
Hataya Rei

  • Bowing in the dojo has no religious connotations. The Japanese greet each other by bowing. Bowing can also have the functions of thanking and apologizing. Bowing may range from a small nod of the head to a long 90-degree formal bow. You are supposed to bow deeper and longer than your opposite if they are of higher status than you are. Your back and neck should be kept straight while bowing.
  • Students should face the Shinza and respectfully bow when entering or leaving the dojo.
  • If the instructor arrives late or leaves early, the class should be brought to attention and bow as a group.
  • Students shall bow to each other prior to mutual exercise and upon completion of that exercise.
  • Absolutely no disrespect will be shown to any instructors or fellow students.
  • Students should follow the instructions of their sempai.
  • Respect your fellow students experience in other arts. As well, do not expound upon your experience to others during class, regardless of how it may relate to the techniques being taught.
  • Students shall refer to the head instructor as sensei, and senior students as sempai at all times in the dojo and outside the dojo when the conversation relates to dojo and training matters, otherwise they should be referred to by name.
  • Students, who arrive late should enter the dojo and wait to be invited to join the class by the instructor.
  • If you have to leave early, please let the instructor know in a quiet manner.
  • Talking in class is limited unless you have been recognized by the instructor by raising your hand or using the phrase “sumi-ma-sen sensei” (excuse me teacher).
  • Talking in the changing rooms should be minimal and restricted to matters concerning practice.
  • Students should learn and uphold the correct ways of sitting and the proper way of standing.
  • Always place your sword on the rack edge up, with the handle facing to the left as you face the rack. The upper spaces are reserved for higher ranks.
  • Juniors should never walk in front of seated seniors without bowing and saying “sumi-ma-sen”.

These rules of etiquette are the same practiced when visiting our honbu dojo in Japan.


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